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Assurance commerciale Chine Biours Biosciences Co., Ltée.

Patchs d’hydrogel de beauté professionnels et produits de santé

Beautyworld Japan Tokyo

Exhibition time: May 13th to 15th, 2024
Nom de l’exposition: Beautyworld Japan Tokyo
Lieu d’exposition: Tokyo International Exhibition Center East Hall 1-8
Exhibition theme: beauty and personal care fitness health perfume and cosmetics spa
Catégorie appropriée: Cosmetic/skincare/professional beauty care
Convient pour promouvoir des produits: beauté: patch visage amincissant, patch anti-rides, Cache-œil, whitening and spot removal patch. Professional beauty: Patch d’entretien au laser, Patch pour cils
Trade buyers cover countries: Japan’s largest beauty product trade exhibition, where beauty salons, hair salons, nail salons, hotels and spa centers, leisure facilities, and retail distribution of various beauty products, technologies, and services are all located
Lien vers l’exposition: https://beautyworld-japan.jp.messefrankfurt.com/tokyo/en.html

Beautyworld Japan Tokyo



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